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  • carlaravazza


  • It could save you money: If issues show up in the buyer’s inspection report, the buyer will likely ask for a price reduction, a credit, or have you make the fix yourself. Depending on the severity of the issues and the buyer’s willingness to negotiate, it can sink the original offer amount.

  • It could lead to a faster close: Getting your house in the best shape possible should help speed up the sale process. If you proactively make the necessary repairs, there is less likelihood to be stuck in a long negotiation process.

  • It can give you a competitive edge: A prelisting home inspection can signal to potential buyers that you’ve done the due diligence on their future home. It can give potential buyers confidence in you as an honest seller and in the quality of the home you are selling.

  • Definitely fix the deal breakers: There are a few problems that may show up on your list that are deal breakers to most buyers, and they’re often time consuming, expensive, and can cause a buyer to pull out of their offer.

  • Is there a downside to a prelisting home inspection? While there are many upsides to getting a prelisting home inspection, some experts don’t like the idea. Some pros feel that instead of wasting time and money upfront, a seller should wait for the results of the home inspection and add repairs to the closing cost. While this is an option, you may be hit with a surprise that causes your sale to fall through.

REFERENCE: Trulia Blog

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